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X Wire Networks Ltd

zBlock 4.5 RC 2 released

zBlock 4.5 RC 2 has been added to our one-click addons.


-added zblock.cfg
-zb_lo3/ko3 now run slightly slower to allow people time to read the text.
-"use" command was triggering spamblock, we've tested the command and found it to be inexpensive so it's now excluded by spamblock checks.
-zb_antispeedhack now no longer kicks everyone on a modified server.
-zBlock no longer thinks that sv_pure is set to 2 when it actually is 0.
-zb_warmode defaults to 0.
-sv_maxcmdrate and sv_maxupdaterate now are locked at a maximum of 66, rather than being locked to 66.
-Removed "Have to see the bomb to defuse" feature, it will return at some point.
-No longer kicks lan players when their server attempts to auth players (even though they shouldn't).
-zBlock now remembers changes to locked cvars and when they are no longer locked they are changed to their actual value.
-Added zb_allowcashcalling 2, allows automatic cash calling at the start of a round.
*Players must use the command "setinfo zb_wantautocashcalling 1".
-Readme and Changelog typo's.



Customer Server 1

PLAYERS: 0 / 10

Customer Server 2 - Team Fortress 2
PLAYERS: 0 / 24

Customer Server 3

[DS].DELTA-SQUAD - In memory of [DS].Achilles
PLAYERS: 0 / 24

Customer Server 4 - Left 4 Dead 2 Server
PLAYERS: 0 / 4